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Request lifecycle



First, request comes from http server and goes through any net/http middleware that wrap generated Server.

Server routes request to the operation handler. More about router here.


Before handling request handler creates a trace and increases requests counter.

Security handlers

Security requirements are handled first in order to not handle unauthorized/unauthenticated requests.

If OpenAPI specification defines any security requirements, ogen generates a SecurityHandler interface. For each security scheme, operation handler does this:

  • Checks the presence of value, defined by scheme
  • If value is present, parses and validates it, then calls the corresponding method of SecurityHandler
  • If any error occured during this process, handler generates a ogenerrors.SecurityError, then calls error handler

When all security schemes are parsed, ogen tries to find a requriements that satisfied by these schemes. If there is no such requirement, handler returns ogenerrors.ErrSecurityRequirementIsNotSatisfied.


Handler calls method of SecurityHandler, even if there is already one satisified requirement. It is done to be sure that every scheme value is validated and checked.

For example, let's say we have a specification like this:

"security": [
"basicAuth": [],
"headerKey": []
"bearerToken": [],
"headerKey": []
"components": {
"securitySchemes": {
"headerKey": {
"type": "apiKey",
"in": "header",
"name": "X-Api-Key"
"basicAuth": {
"type": "http",
"scheme": "basic"
"bearerToken": {
"type": "http",
"scheme": "bearer"

Basically, this specification defines two possible requirements: (bearerToken && headerKey) || (basicAuth && headerKey).

headerKey schemebasicAuth schemebearerToken schemeResult
Present ✅Present ✅Not present❌OK
Present ✅Not present❌Present ✅OK
Present ✅Present ✅Present ✅OK
Not present❌Present ✅Present ✅Error
Present ✅Not present❌Not present❌Error

Parameters decoder

If any error occured during decoding, parameter decoder generates a ogenerrors.DecodeParamsError, then calls error handler

Request body decoder

At first body decoder tries to match given Content-Type with defined in spec. If there is no match, decoder generates a validate.InvalidContentTypeError


Note that request decoder reads entire request to the memory except for big multipart files.

If any error occured during decoding, body decoder generates a ogenerrors.DecodeRequestError, then calls error handler


If form file is too big, multipart reader temporarily stores it on disk. Limit is defined by MaxMultipartMemory. These files are available until handler returns.

If any error occured during decoding, handler closes and deletes all temporary files.


When all parts of request are parsed, user-defined Handler is called.

If any middleware set via WithMiddleware option, Handler passed to the middleware as next parameter.

Convenient errors

In case if handler returns an error and Convenient errors are available, behavior depends on error type:

  • If error type is equal to convenient error schema (e.g. ErrorStatusCode), it passed directly to response encoder
  • If error is ht.ErrNotImplemented, error handler will be called
  • Otherwise, NewError method will be called

Error handling

If any occured during request handling, handler does this: